Content Writing – Beginners Tips | SEO BLOGGING TRICK


Here at Cazue we recently worked with a small independent business on their website redesign. When chatting through ideas and options with the business owner, it became apparent that she was completely intimidated by the prospect of writing copy for her site. Despite being an expert in her field, she simply did not know where to begin. This got me thinking about the basics of content writing and I thought it might make a useful article for those that are starting out.

If you are embarking on writing copy for your website, check out these simple tips.

  1. Make sure you are in the right frame of mind. Writing can require a lot of concentration. If you are distracted or stressed, you will not be best placed to write your best stuff.
  2. Choose your location carefully. Some people prefer writing at a desk while others in an armchair or sitting outside. If you are new to copywriting then you may want to play around with different locations.
  3. Set yourself time limits. This is one I find particularly useful but may not work for everyone. I find that I am more focused when I am writing within time restraints.
  4. Start with headings. By creating a plan of the pages with their headings and sub-headings, it will give you a good overview of all of the content that will be required. You can then bullet point ideas about the specific information you want to include under each heading. Once you have this direction you will find it a lot less daunting to approach the writing itself.
  5. As you are writing, always bear in mind your target audience. You know your customers best so make sure you remember this when writing your website copy. Ensure you adopt the relevant tone and voice.
  6. Remember to include your keywords. Potential customers will more often than not find your website by typing search terms into a search engine. By including these keywords in your copy, you are increasing your chances of being found. As keywords are highly relevant to your business, this should come naturally.
  7. Work on your writing in several sittings. Coming back to something that you have written previously can be very rewarding. When you return to something you have written with fresh eyes, you are likely to see areas for improvement.
  8. Seek help from others. Getting someone else to look over your writing is essential. Others are more likely to spot mistakes and typos as well as making sure your intended meaning is always conveyed successfully.

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